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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Train as if the race were next week---- for it is out there, that starting line, in the future. The race awaits you.

Whether you prepare or not, the day will come when you are on that line, in that moment of hushed, expectant silence before the starter gives the commands...

.... and you will be filled with pride and purpose, ready for that transcendent moment when all your training reaches fruition. The race doesn't care what your excuses are. The race awaits you--- what will you bring with you to that moment?

"If you lose, say little. When you win, say less."
--Bill Belichick

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Shirt design ideas

I've received a few suggestions this week. Please take a look and offer your comments.

  • A simple "Middlebury Crew" with crossed oars, like the Boathouse shirts we just got
  • Putting the phrase "midd men get some" somewhere on the shirt- appealing to male athletes on campus...sorry women...
  • "Staph" on the back of the shirt, probably "Middlebury Crew" on the front, play off a concert "Staff" shirt
  • "Always Smooth" on the back, "Middlebury Crew" on the front
Please comment, and add your idea - I know I'm forgetting one.


Monday, November 15, 2010

A Poem

Brightly Colored Boats Upturned on the Banks of the Charles

What is there to say about them
that has not been said in the title?
I saw them near dawn from a glassy room on the other side of that river,
which flowed from some hidden spring
to the sea; but that is getting away from
the brightly colored boats upturned
on the banks of the Charles,
the sleek racing sculls of a college crew team.

They were beautiful in the clear early light—
red, yellow, blue and green—
is all I wanted to say about them,
although for the rest of the day
I pictured a lighter version of myself
calling time through a little megaphone,
first to the months of the year,
then to the twelve apostles, all grimacing
as they leaned and pulled on the long wooden oars.

(Billy Collins)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Own the Day

He only is rich who owns the day. There is no king, rich man, fairy or demon who possesses such power as that. The days come and go like muffled and veiled figures sent from a distant, friendly party: but they say nothing, and if we do not use the gifts they bring, they carry them as silently away.

--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Video from practice 10/8/10

Everyone looking good and gearing up for racing season during a gorgeous day of practice. The video is kind of a mish-mash of clips of both varsity men's 8s and the varsity women's 8 in no particular order.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Great job to all who raced Sunday. Choppy water and a long course made for somewhat difficult conditions, but competition and racing was great. View results here: Textile Results

For a video of the men's 8+ click here. Thank you Mr. Weigl for the pics and video!

Friday, October 1, 2010

This afternoon the weather finally cleared after a couple days of torrential downpours and heavy winds. We worked on timing and rowing as a boat while enjoying some sun and the beginnings of the fall foliage. What a lovely way to end the week!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Second 6k test piece

Rowers on both men's and women's teams will pull a second 6k piece today. Great day for it, given the daylong steady rain. Good luck!

Look for some MiddCrew boats at the Textile River Regatta this Sunday in Lowell, MA. The men's team will be racing an 8+, 4+, 2 x 2- and 3 x 1x. For directions and info: Textile River Regatta 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Boathouse Team Store

Don't forget to order from the Boathouse Middlebury Crew store at:

The store goes offline tomorrow!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Head Race Scrimmage

Joint practice with women and men's squads today.... a head race piece from the south end, with two turns thrown in to lengthen the course (and wake up the coxswains!) Good racing by all the crews.

Distance: 5500 meters
Conditions: Swirling wind. Good water in the first half, then choppy crosswind in the north basin.

M2-: 24:19

W8+: 20:39

M4+: 19:51

M8+: 18:56

"The greater the effort, the greater the glory."
---Pierre Corneille

Friday, September 24, 2010

AP Rowing

Today was an especially exciting day of rowing for the women because we got to the "Woo" drill (a.k.a. the best drill ever) and racing starts. Such a fun practice! Afterward, we (plus Geoff) went out to dinner at Rosie's since we missed dinner at Midd because of the picnic. Yummmm.
Men completed day two of seat racing this morning. While they were in fours, a tired cox Matt Rojas kept calling "all 8" up to the catch. The danger of the bow loader is that coxes can fall asleep pretty easily on lower rating pieces; Matt was in and out of dreams today. Its okay, it's been long week for Matt and Liya. But what's not okay... Rojas hates the new Kaschper shell. How is this possible?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Women's Row

Today we had seat racing.
'Nuff said.

"We don't fear failure, and we don't like the easy path."

--Carlos Dinares

(Dinares is the coach of 4 lightweights who are trying to race (and medal!) in the single, the double, and the quad at the World Championships this fall in New Zealand---- something that has never been done before. His blog at is has some great ideas about technique, and makes interesting readin.)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The women had an awesome and very loooonnnngggg practice this afternoon. Near the end, Noel made us row at a 40 and then a 10. Exciting stuff. :-) Major props to Meg, our stroke.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fall Season Underway

The weather cleared for us this saturday after a rainy week, making for a calm and sunny (late) morning practice. Our row for the day: the first nonstop 5-6k piece on the water of the season, south cove to north cove, the length of the lake. A favorite for saturdays, Noel nominated Mike and Harry to pick teams for practice. In terms of strategy, Harry learned the hard way: when there are only 2 coxswains, pick yours last. While we all love Matt Rojas, he can't pull us any faster to the finish line, and as Harry's second pick, he sacrificed a potential power increase in his boat. The novices finshed up their first week on the water today with Scotty and the legendary Cud 8+.

Happy 22nd to Kalie Mix and 20th to Brooks Coe!