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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Shirt design ideas

I've received a few suggestions this week. Please take a look and offer your comments.

  • A simple "Middlebury Crew" with crossed oars, like the Boathouse shirts we just got
  • Putting the phrase "midd men get some" somewhere on the shirt- appealing to male athletes on campus...sorry women...
  • "Staph" on the back of the shirt, probably "Middlebury Crew" on the front, play off a concert "Staff" shirt
  • "Always Smooth" on the back, "Middlebury Crew" on the front
Please comment, and add your idea - I know I'm forgetting one.



  1. Midd men get some
    It wont single out only rowers like some of the shirt designs.

  2. how about a shirt that just says middlebury on the front and then on the back where shirts usually say "staff" have it say "crew" with crossed oars taking up most of the space underneath

  3. yeah my vote is the midd men get some shirt.

  4. so isolate half the schools population with midd men get some? great idea...I vote no on that one, unless you want to sell it as the men's team only

  5. How about: EAT MY WAKE or EAT OUR WAKE on the back of a shirt that has Midd Crew written on it.

  6. I personally am kind of offended by "midd men get some" and I would not feel comfortable selling that on campus to represent our team. I like the Eat our Wake idea and maybe the front design could be similar to the novice shirts.

  7. really not a fan of midd men get some, it's pretty obnoxious and just blatantly excludes the women's team which is offensive in itself.

    i like always smooth, and the puns on "staff". maybe something with "rock the boat?" or something off of "i'm on a boat"? with midd crew on the other side?

  8. Here are my ideas:
    "We Row it down Real Hard"
    "I'm Oarganic!" Which doesn't really apply to us but oh well...
    "Win the Race, get your Cox wet" which might be trademarked...
    "...But wait, there's a Catch!"
    "We put the Oar in Oargasm"
    and Lastly, "Making waves, making waves, queer! queer! queer!" jkjkjkjkjk
    That's all for now.

  9. i like everything emily said.

  10. "win the race, get your cox wet"- simply sublime

  11. I'm pretty against the "midd men get some" slogan as well, for all the reasons mentioned in above comments (it is rather offensive and exclusive). but I love the "Oarganic" idea! that gets my vote.

  12. Would it be possible to get 2 different shirts?
    One that says 'midd men get some' and the other one that says something else, such as 'Eat our Wake' or one of Emily's suggestions.

    Personally, I don't like 'Oarganic' because its a little too corny and the green them gets kind of used too much at Middlebury. Also, I bounced these ideas off some of my other friends and they told me the 'Staph' shirt probably wouldn't go over well because nobody outside the crew team would understand it.

  13. always smooth,
    get your cox wet
    wait there's a catch

  14. "midd crew, getting our cox wet since (year we started)"

  15. definitely something about getting your cox wet

  16. I love all these ideas but we gotta keep in mind our audience. I feel like the explicitly crew related things wouldn't sell as well since most people have never rowed in a crew boat. I'm in favor of the midd men get some because it's a shirt that I think a lot of guys would buy. Since a lot of people seem opposed to that we should probably find another option but I think something along those lines (that isn't a crew joke/pun) would sell the most.

  17. Scotty suggested a ripped panther with the phrase: "Panther Winter Training" which could be sold at the weightroom front desk

  18. I like that panther winter training idea.

    Should someone make a poll and just have us all vote? Or are the captains making a decision.

  19. how about oarganic with a lil tomato holding a lil oar.

  20. no offense to the previous two posters, but i am pretty sure the "organic" tees will not sell well, as they are just too corny...we need something with an edge...say the ripped panther or the "midd men always get their cox wet"

    how about a shirt with the jacked out of its mind panther, in its ripped t shirt, along with bulging veins and eyeballs on the front, and "Middlebury Winter Training" on the back?

  21. I'm for always smooth..because really, what would Midd Crew be without Keystone?

  22. We need to consider that we are projecting our image when we are selling this t-shirt and therefore we need a t-shirt that represents all of us.
    Sorry, but why do only the men get their cox wet? I don't think it's representative of the team to mention only the men. If the men want to make their own t-shirt, then they should label the t-shirt as "Middlebury Men's Crew" and should sell it themselves.
    However, both teams should participate in fundraising, so I think we need to create a gender-neutral shirt.

  23. Mens team Nude calendar?

  24. I like the winter panther training!

  25. whoever mentioned the nude calendar, I think it's actually high time we did one. I just bought one that my Uni did as a fundraiser over here and they've been a big seller. Just a thought : )

  26. could it be possible to make three shirts?

    1. Winter Training (both teams)
    2. MMGS (mens)
    3. Organic (womens)

    this shouldn't be a debate between mens and womens teams...its gotta represent the team as a whole

  27. i have a couple things.. i think from a fundraising perspective, the calendar would sell well.. you're welcome haha.. as well as many of the other sexy ideas we've been coming up with because they're funny. I'd have some doubts though if another team sold those. I just feel like it doesn't represent the genuine hard work we all put in, and selling that kind of stuff, especially the calendar, takes some guts.. of the wrong kind. But I am a big fan of anthony's design as a shirt for both the men and women, because it speaks to what we're all trying to do!

  28. ps. while i'm all up on my motivational high horse, go team!
